Stay Ahead with InterviewSpark


Your Success
Our Priority

We’re committed to making interview preparation an insightful, accessible, and empowering experience. Let’s turn those interviews into job offers, together!

Ning Wei

Chief Executive Officer



Meet your AI Interview Coach
Your personal guide to interview mastery

Interview Preparation
Practice with 1000+ questions personalized to assess your unique attributes and attitudes. Your AI coach learns with you
Mock Interview Practice
Engage in realistic interview scenarios without pressure. Turn weaknesses into strengths through repetition and guidance
AI Interview Feedback
Understand where you stand, and get instant, insightful feedback on your interviews. Continual learning made so much easy
Performance Metrics
Review our interview benchmarking and scoring system. Use insights to target your preparation and see your progress

Embrace the Future of Interview Prep

InterviewSpark combines advanced AI technology with real-world interview scenarios, offering a comprehensive solution for your interview preparation needs

Absolutely! Our AI Interview Coach covers a broad spectrum of questions applicable to various industries and roles.

No problem! InterviewSpark is designed for both beginners and experienced professionals. We’ll guide you through each step of the process.

Our AI uses machine learning and natural language processing to analyze your responses, providing instant, actionable feedback.

Your data security is our top priority. We use advanced security measures to ensure your data is always protected.

Start Your Journey

Harness the power of AI and make your next interview the best one yet. Start your journey with InterviewSpark today.